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 1. Pastor Art  Practicing Our Faith - James 1:19-27; 2:14-26  James 
 2. Dr. Joseph Pipa  The Faith of a Prostitute - James 2:25-26  The Book of James 
 3. Dr. Michael Lawrence  A Faith that is Demonstrated - James 1:19-2:13  Real Faith: 
 4. Ray C. Stedman  James: The Activity of Faith   
 5. Dr. Michael Lawrence  A Faith that is Finished - James 4:13-5:20  Real Faith: 
 6. Begg Alistair  A Faith That Works: James 2:14-26  firefighters.org 
 7. Dr. Michael Lawrence  A Faith that Works - James 2:14-26  Real Faith: 
 8. Dr. Joseph Pipa  Faith, Dead or Alive? - James 2:14-19  The Book of James 
 9. Dr. Joseph Pipa  Faith, Dead or Alive? - James 2:14-19  The Book of James 
 10. Jonathan Newman  Practicing Joy  sample 
 11. The Harvey Girls  Practicing  The Wild Farewell  
 12. Donald Rothberg  Practicing with the Shadow, pt 2  SR Monday and Wednesday Talks http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 13. Anomie Train  Practicing Chinese   
 14. Dr. Gary Percesepe  Practicing My Religion  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 15. Eyes Like Aster  02 Practicing Politics  Into The Hill Session #9 
 16. Dr. Gary Percesepe  Practicing My Religion  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 17. Dr. Gary Percesepe  Practicing My Religion  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 18. Donald Rothberg  Practicing with the Shadow, pt 1  SR Monday and Wednesday Talks http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 19. Andrea Fella  Practicing Happiness  www.audiodharma.org 
 20. American Watercolor Movement  Practicing June  Flapjacks, Sunrise And Verne 
 21. Eckhart Tolle  02-03 Practicing presence  The Realization of Being 
 22. Gigen Victoria Austin  Practicing With Pain  GMBS talk 3-24-2007 
 23. Andrea Fella  Practicing Happiness  www.audiodharma.org 
 24. Donald Rothberg  2009-03/18 Practicing Compassion, pt II  SR Monday and Wednesday Talks http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 25. Donald Rothberg  2009-06/10 Practicing with Anger, Pt I  SR Monday and Wednesday Talks http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 26. Donald Rothberg  2009-05/13 Practicing with the Shadow, pt 2  SR Monday and Wednesday Talks http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 27. Todd Wilson  Practicing Church Discipline  1 Corinthians 
 28. James Last  James Last - Grand Collection. James Last - 23 - Adagio From The Sonata Pathetique No.8 In C Minor Op.13  Grand Collection. James Last 
 29. James Last  James Last - Grand Collection. James Last - 18 - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik  Grand Collection. James Last 
 30. James Last  James Last - Grand Collection. James Last - 08 - Theme From Elvira Madigan  Grand Collection. James Last 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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